Workshops - A Journey in Self Discovery and Reflection

Our stories are what make us human and differentiate us from all other living creatures.  Stories pass on the norms and moral expectations of a culture.  They pass on our, lineage, relationships and family history to the next generation.  Stories pass on knowledge.  They entertain us and they frighten us.  They can make us laugh and they can make us cry.   Stories are all around us.  Think of how many stories you heard or told just today alone.


With a lifetime of  unusual and entertaining stories, Chris Brown uses his own stories to help teachers , administrators, students, program managers and just about anybody else who is involved in teaching others discover who they are and why they approach teaching or managing the way they do.  During workshops participant are asked to share their own stories and reflect on how they have helped inform and develop them into who they are and what they believe. 


A typical story telling workshop last 1 to 2 hours, depending on the needs and desires of the participants.  During a workshop participants can expect to be entertained, laugh, hear tales of failure and success and see the role these stories have played in shaping Chris's life.  More importantly they will  be asked to share their own stories and reflect on how those stories have played a role in their own philosophy and development.  The workshops are highly interactive and all those attending should expect to take part.  They end with time for self reflection and how they will wind their own stories into their teaching or management.


By clicking on the sidebar menu you will be able to see various workshop topics that can be addressed.  If one of these topics do not fit the needs of your group the workshops can be tailored to meet those needs.  For further information please contact Chris at  .